For Country Specific Domains Registration Requirements/policy

Requisites for .Ca domain

  • Customer must have Canadian postal address for registration of. Ca domain
  • Contact's Name of a .CA domain name. If you wish to modify the Registrant Contact details of your .CA domain name, you need to instead create a new Contact and assign it as the Registrant Contact.
  • upon Transferring a .CA Domain Name, the Domain Name gets renewed by 1 year.
  • To Transfer your .CA domain name to nexus technologies, you need to only provide your Domain Transfer Secret / Authorization Key. Once we get confirmation from the Registry that the Domain Transfer Secret / Authorization Key is accurate, the domain name is instantly transferred without any further delay

Requisites for .Uk domain

  • A .UK domain name may be Registered for 1 to 10 years.
  • Client cannot get .uk domain name, if they don’t have domain first (As per the grandfathering process, if .CO.UK, .ORG.UK and .ME.UK were all registered (by different people), the .CO.UK owner will have first rights on the corresponding .UK domain name. If .CO.UK wasn't registered, the.ORG.UK owner gets preference over the .ME.UK owner)
  • The maximum length of a .UK domain name is64 characters (including the extension)
  • The domain name maynot have a hyphen as the first and/or last character as well as the third and fourth character (simultaneously).
  • The domain name maynot consist of only 2 letters; however, it may have a letter and a number or 2 numbers.


Registration for is not allowed whereas Registration of or is permitted.

Requisites for.Au domain

  • A .AU domain name can be Registered foronly 2 years.
  • The .AU Registry prohibits the Registration of some domain names3 such as those related to Red Cross, United Nations, Olympics, etc
  • .AU domain names areonly available for registration to Australian entities or companies incorporated in Australia.
  • if the .AU domain name isnot Renewed until 32 days, the domain name would get Deleted and would immediately be available for Registration.

Requisites for .US domain

  • The person registering the domain name is a resident/citizen of the United States of America, or the domain name is registered for an organization based in the United States of America, or having an office or facility therein.

Requisites for .Sa domain

In order to register a domain name in Saudi Arabia you should have a Trademark Registration Certificate in Saudi Arabia and the registered trademark
should match the required domain name.

A certificate of incorporation in Saudi Arabia and the domain name should :

match the registrant’s name; OR
form part of the registrant’s name; OR
be formed of the first letters of the full registrant’s name

Requisites for .Ae domain

Your Domain Name License will be effective for 1 or 5 years depending on the period of registration indicated in the application, once

  • Your application is accepted and approved by us and by the Registry, and
  • You have paid the applicable fees.
  • Unless it is cancelled earlier under the terms of this document or under any Published Policies.

Your Domain Name License may be renewed depending on the period of renewal, as long as you:

  • Pay the applicable renewal fees, and
  • Continue to meet the eligibility criteria prescribed in the Published Policies

You accept that it is your responsibility to ensure that your Domain Name License is renewed.

You may cancel your Domain Name License at any time by notifying us in writing.


  • Country Specific, Country Specific Domain
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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