.Edu.PK Domain Name Registration Requirements

Clients are required to Provide the following Details to Nexus for the Registration of .Edu.PK domain name registration:

Name of Signatory:
Institute Name:
Postal Address:
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:

Clients are also required to follow the given below procedure for the Activation of the domain name:

According to the PKNIC .edu.pk domain name registration policy, the domain registrant for .edu.pk domain extensions must be a bona fide educational institute, with sizeable active student enrollment. Therefore, for moderation purposes, the .edu.pk domain names are kept inactive after registration.

For activation, a letter of authorization signed by the Director/CEO/Principal of the institute on institute's original stationary letterheads is required. A proof/claim of being a registered and active educational institute (i-e institute prospectus, copy of registration documents etc) is also required.

Also enclose a CNIC copy of the authority signing the authorization.

PKNIC Collection
435 Tariq Block
Garden Town, Lahore Pakistan

The domain will be activated upon verification of the received documents.

If you have any question, you can call PKNIC directly on following numbers:



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Lines Open: Monday through Friday - 9:30am to 5:00pm [Break: 1:30pm to 2:30pm]


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