Managed/Unmanaged server

We offer managed and unmanaged servers, below is the detail of managed and unmanaged services :

                Managed Services               Unmanaged Services 

1. Server OS install
2. Power
3. Network
4. Bandwidth
5. Server Configuration
6. Server Security
7. Server Patches/Updates
8. Server Monitoring
9. Server Stability Check
10. Software install/remove
11. Website hosting management
12. Basic DDOS protection/Mitigation
13. Malware Scans
14. Application level firewall
15. Server Firewall
16. PHP hardening
17. MySQL Optimization
18. PHP, MySQL, Apache versions upgrade

1. Server OS install one time
2. Power
3. Network
4. Bandwidth
5. Server basic configuration one time
6. Basic Server security one time


If you want to opt managed services you need to subscribe  management services . For details/Prices

please follow the link below:

If you have any other questions, do contact our support department.


Nexus Technologies

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